15 February 2011

In The Country

Growing up in Houston, TX, I never thought I would see the day that I wanted to live in the country.  I was a city girl in the heart even though I can feed chickens, gather eggs, feed hogs, pen up and feed cattle in the winter, harvest corn and hay, etc...
Moving from  Houston to Austin, then to Lago Vista and back to Cedar Park gave me an appreciation of living in the country or living the small town life, but having access to the city when needed.  I know, Austin is not considered a city, but it was city enough for us.  Now, I'm sure Austin is considered a city and Houston is considered "scary".  Moving the the suburb of Charlotte, NC (Mathews, NC) for a while, then out to the mountains of Banner Elk, NC was another big change.  When you live in the "highlands" of North Carolina (which are considered higher than the mountain communities), there are certain times of the year when you could possibly get cut off from everything below you due to the weather.  I didn't feel it much because we were self sufficient and didn't need to work outside of the home.  Tall, Dark and Handsome didn't like the cold though so instead of coming back to Texas (which I found out later, he really wanted to do), we moved to Destin, FL.  That was interesting, we lived in an upscale gated community with the bay on one side and the gulf on the other.  We downsized to a smaller community and ultimately lived in the country of Laurel Hill, FL.  I personally didn't like any part of Florida, but I adapt when needed.  We ended up here in the mountains of north eastern Tennessee not to long ago which I thought was the area we were staying in.  But alas, I am finally told the truth - he wants to move back to Texas.  He provided many excuses, but I know the real reason.  GOLF!  You see, in the Austin/Houston area, golf is plentiful.  There are numerous golf courses and now that Zack is learning to play and knows the game, he has someone to play with or at least teach.  He even knows the area of Texas he wishes to live in.  (Suburb of Austin - Surprise).  I was totally shocked at first.  After contemplating it for a while, I realized that it doesn't matter where we live, it is the family love/togetherness feeling I'm looking for and we haven't had that since we left Texas.  Wow, a big admission coming from me (who said she would never live in Texas again - ha ha).  So, another adventure is formulating.  We shall see where "in the country" we shall call home.

13 February 2011

What Day Of The Week Is It?

I used to not know what day of the week it was because we were off of scheduled time.  Now that Tall, Dark and Handsome works a scheduled time schedule (is that even proper English - ha ha ), I do know today is Sunday. 
We took the truck yesterday to the Chevy place to be fixed.  The part was ordered a month ago, but due to Tall, Dark and Handsome's schedule, it couldn't be fixed till yesterday.  Why is it that whenever it goes to the shop to be fixed, it costs at least $500 or more?  Well, anyway, I've been looking at the Mini Cooper Clubman or the Mini Cooper Countryman.  Both are super cool cars for our family,  now that we don't have 5 plus in the vehicle anymore. 
The quilt stand in the picture is something I'm keeping my eye on.  I'm decorating my perfect house and having quilt stands throughout with seasonal quilts are a must.  I don't usually go for lots of decor with the exception of candles and self created photos to hang on the wall, but the quilt stand is interesting.  My decor will revolve around a seasonal wheel of the year theme which I've always wanted (just didn't know it till now). 
Anyway, my coffee is calling me as well as the beds to be made.  Have a peaceful Sunday. (or is it really Sunday) I'll explain this later.  Learning about time in the book "Ordaining Reality" by Joseph Donlan.  Very interesting concept, time is.

12 February 2011

Whose Your Best Friend?

I've heard and read all types of information regarding who your best friend is lately.  I guess, since St. Valentine's Day is next week, this has prompted the speculation. 
I'm my best friend or at least this is the concept I'm working on.  I can also say that Tall, Dark and Handsome is my best friend.  Zack and Conner Thor are my best friends too. 
I need to be my own best friend first.  I cannot depend upon anything outside of myself to make me happy, complete, satisfied, etc...If I do that, then I lose control over myself and who wants to do that.  Who wants to relinquish control of themselves to anything or anyone outside of themselves?  If you look around, just about everybody does. 
Humans want to "feel good" first and foremost.  So many humans base "feeling good" on external circumstances that are beyond their control.  I too am guilty of it.  It takes discipline of the mind to get your control back, but most want to take the path of least resistance because it is easier.  Let someone else to me what to do, how to act, how to look, etc...it is easier that way.  What a load of crap! 
I'm beginning the book "Choose Peace and Happiness" on Sunday.  Since it is an anual program, I'm doing week 7 which next week is week 7 of 2011 and week 1 together.  I'm doing two weeks worth of studying and exercises till I catch up.  Next year, I'll begin this book on January 1st just like the Abraham workbook that I'm currently working on daily as well.  So far the Abraham workbook has been a real "eye opener".  I began it on my birthday (August 2010) and it runs for a year as well.  For those that relish weekends,  todays photo is a memory of one of my favorite childhood cartoons, The Banana Splits.  They were popular on Saturday mornings in the late 1960's or early 1970's.  Have a peaceful weekend!

11 February 2011

Seeing It Is Believing It

Have you ever heard the words, "seeing it is believing it"?  Did you ever actually wonder what they meant?  Most people see this as a "physical seeing" or seeing it with your own eyes.  I see this as seeing it in your mind.  Did you know if you can see something in your mind, it can happen so you will see it with your physical eyes?  I've been practicing seeing several self constructed scenes in my mind so they will manifest and I can see them with my physical eyes.  It has been fun if you don't take yourself to seriously and by this I mean, expect it, but don't force it.  The fine line between expectation and force.  When you try to hard with action, you are forcing it.  When you sit back and see it happening over and over in your mind with emotion, feeling the wonderfulness of it, that is expectation. It sounds easy and it is probably easier for some than others, but try it.  Make a pact with yourself to try it at least once every day and see what happens.  You might be surprised!
P.S. the photo above is the coolest attic I have ever seen.  The stairs go up to the tower which extends upward from the roof.  Wouldn't you just love to have an attic like this?

10 February 2011


Some people think meditation, YUK.  I personally had forgotten exactly what meditation could do for me.  It can bring be everything I want and more.  Jeffrey Thompson makes the ultimate in meditation programs if one needs assistance in the process.  I have used "Awakened Mind System 2.0" and "Theta Meditation System". They are all wonderful products if you need guidance to learn the meditation process.
If you want to know more about Jeffrey Thompson, Google search his name.             

 I have also had much success with the DNA Activation program through Shapeshifter which the first level is listed above. (The first level is my favorite).  I can listen with headphones or just play it all night via stereo speakers.  It has a very haunting sound to it. 
Talked to Tall, Dark and Handsome last night.  He has gone from Kingsport, TN to Richmond, VA to Winchester, VA to Lawrenceville, GA to Atlanta, GA to Knoxville, TN and it was only Tuesday evening.  What a full week so far.  "Ole Blue" gets to go to the Chevy dealership Saturday morning to get repaired.  A whole $600 worth of work (ouch) but it needs to be completed.  I've been looking at Mini Coopers.  The new Club Wagon looks promising.  Sounds like a plan for 2011. 
Well, I'm off to get organized.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

09 February 2011

Dream Your Reality

I'm dreaming my reality. I've collected photos and began the dream yesterday with the sofa scene which includes Conner and I. I'm editing my dream today after reviewing the photos I've collected and then I will dwell in the wish fullfilled. I've collected additional photos of playscapes for the backyard and a Mini Cooper which is the car we wish to be driving.  Once the scene is completed,  I will re-enact it over and over feeling its reality via emotion and feeling during meditation or prior to drifting off the sleep.  The more you do it, the easier it gets.  It worked before and I know I've been using it unconciously since I was a child. Dream your reality.

08 February 2011

Seeing Through Different Eyes

Have you ever wanted to see through different eyes?  I began looking through different eyes this morning.  I'm making every effort to see everything in the now without pre-judgement filters.  We have been taught from the beginning of our lives to pre-judge everything with the filters our caregivers (parents, etc.) put into place.  Some are productive and some not so much.  Accept and appreciate those around you for who they are.  We can "look" exactly alike and be so very different or we can be so very "different" and look exactly alike.  I'm creating more depth and meaning in my life.  Feeling it now and basking in the wonderfulness of what it is.  Life is grand, live it like it is grand NOW instead of waiting for whatever it is you've got to have to make it GRAND.  Share, enjoy, bask, do what you want.  BE HAPPY NOW!

07 February 2011

New Beginnings

Today is the day of new beginnings for me.  It began at the commencement of 2011, but it has been reinforced weekly and now is going strong. 
It was time to take a walk in a purifying rain, to wash off dishonesty, lies and deceit.  I am who I am and I love who I am.  Life is grand.  Life is exactly what I create it to be and I create love, happiness, joy and endless bliss. 
Live your week in bliss, I know I will.

06 February 2011

Winter Stillness

I'm actually ready for Spring which is a surprise since I seem to revel in each season.  I love snow and having four seasons, but my family does not. 
Tall, Dark and Handsome is getting ready for work.  He's going to Richmond, VA.  I'm wanting a really good book to read and all of the books I'm in the middle of reading just aren't doing it for me.  Maybe I'll go to Amazon and see what I can find.  Have a wonderful Sunday!

05 February 2011

A Place To Call Home

Now this is a place I could call home.  Southern plantation style with ancient stone work.  It is overcast and cold today, but not real cold.  I hear Texas and other southern states are much colder with snow.  I'm glad there hasn't been the snow in the last couple of weeks.  It makes it hard to get around in the Apalachian foothills. 

I've been awaiting the book "Choose Peace & Happiness: A 52-Week Guide" by Susyn Reeve.  I don't really know how I came across the book, but I think I was looking at other books at Amazon and found this one listed as well.  When it is received, I'm going to start and do two weeks worth till I'm caught up for the year.  Hopefully it will come today or Monday. 
Tall, Dark and Handsome came home at about 8:30 last night.  He had an interesting week and he had to leave his trailer hooked up to his truck and park it in a dock at the yard for Monday's delivery.  It is full of liquor.  He picked it up in Kentucky and has to deliver it Monday morning in Richmond, VA. 
Today is the last day of a most deliberate week.  May next week be a little more deliberate in its creating than this week. 

04 February 2011

Imagine More - Do Less

Imagine more, do less.  Sounds interesting, lets explore where this is going.  Imagine what you want to look like, where you want to live, what type of career you want, what type of mate you want, how you want to be.  Feel these "wants" or "likes" as if they are already here and do this often.  The action or "do part" of the equation will be easy, once you follow this formula.  Imagine empowering beliefs, happiness, love, etc.  whatever it is that you want and do it over and over again.  Take the 30 day challenge.  Do this as much as possible in a 30 day period and then look at what you have created.  Believe it real (I know, it sounds like fluff but it does work for me and has since I was a child).  When I first heard of this concept, I laughed and said "wow, other people can do this too!".  I had been doing it unconcsciously since I was a child.  Not with everything I wanted, but with some playful, carefree kind of stuff and it worked.  Start today and see what you can create in your life.

03 February 2011

Make Peace With Where You Are

Make peace with where you are now, no matter how lousy you think it is.  If you can make peace with it, all will get better.  Why do we want?  We want because we think what we want will make us feel better not realizing that it takes us feeling better now to get what we want.  I struggled with this concept over and over, but I realize now that if we adopt the feeling of the desire fullfilled (What would I feel like when I have what I want, am what I want, have gone where I want, etc.), the desire has no choice but to be fullfilled.  Have fun while your waiting instead of depending upon the outcome.   What a concept that changes everything we have been taught our entire lives.  Easier said than done, well yes and no.  I am determined to make it work starting NOW.  Honesty in everything, no matter what the consequences are.  This will be a complete 180 from how I was raised.  Everyone in my family sugar coats everything or hides it till it blows up in their faces.  If it works for them, cool, but it no longer serves me.  We shall see how life changes!

02 February 2011


Candlemas is the Christian variation to our Pagan Imbolc.  Purfication is extended to all the magickal candles used throughout the coming year.  I purify my candles as I intend to use them, but some traditions purify and bless their candles on this day. 
Today just happens to be the New Moon which signals new beginnings.  If you follow the moon cycles as I do, today would be the day to begin new projects and spells intended for growth.  As the new moon grows from dark (now) to full, your projects and/or spells do as well.  On the full moon, you use the moon's full PUNCH on anything that needs an extra kick and after the full moon you utilize the moons power to dissipation magicks or spells.  As the moon goes from full back to new, it is used for the disappearance of what is not wanted or needed.
It is also Groundhog day for those in the U.S.  I believe if the Groundhog sees his shadow today, we have 6 more weeks of winter, but if he doesn't see his shadow today, spring is right around the corner or something like that. 
Tall, Dark and Handsome was on his way to the Georgia/Florida state line and was intended to go to Orlando, but wasn't going to make it because the load he is carrying wasn't ready when he arrived to pick it up.  SIGH!
We shall see what is on the menu for our lives today.  If I have been following the Law Of Attraction like I should, I will enjoy whatever it is since it is in the process of creating all that I currently want out of life.  Happy Wednesday all!

01 February 2011

Imbolc - Purification

Our family theme for Imbolc is Purification.  The boys get purification baths today as well as I.  Tall, Dark and Handsome is out on the road so I don't know how much of a purification bath he will get to take, but we will keep him in our ritual thoughts.  White is a befitting color for this sabbat as well.  Our Imbolc crafts consist of candlemaking, candleholder making and some type of stitchery which can all be completed indoors since we are still in the predominantly dark time of  year.  Altar decorations could be Ice sculptures, white flowers, white candles, colored yarn or string for knot magick, baby animals, etc.  Choose the theme that resonates with you. 
We finally talked to Tall, Dark and Handsome last night.  He was outside of Knoxville, TN to deliver to the Honda plant.  I directed some energy to get him a 1000 mile run today after his delivery.  That should keep him busy for a while.  It will be a rainy Imbolc eve today, but we will fill it with fun and merriment and I will end today with a Purification bath to begin the Wheel of the Year once again.  A good sabbat entertaining book is "Sabbat Entertaining" by Willow Polson along with some sabbat tradition in "Candlemas" by  Amber K and Azrael Arynn K and of course a staple book in our family tradition is "Ancient Ways" by Pauline Campanelli. Do whatever connects you the sabbat day.   I used to purchase Ritual kits online for the celebration of our sabbats, but that got old after one wheel turn.  Today, I will purify myself, my thoughts and our home in preparation for the completion of our current desires.  Life, love and an abundance of family.  Live for the bliss!

31 January 2011

Good Bye January

Good Bye January and good riddance to you.  Living for the now is the only way to be.  I am talking to GM service (Jody) and he has scheduled us for the 12th of February to get the truck fixed.  Another $400 to keep our Blue Baby running.  Jody is such a nice service person especially since I hate dealing with people in general. 
February is the month that begins my actual 2011 year.  I spend the entire month of January planning the year and completing tasks from the prior year.  I amended my skincare program yet again since I seem to be getting pimples from just about everything that I used.  I'm also adding Ballet Conditioning to the Recumbent bike exercise program.  Pewter dragon should be completing the repairs on Zack's PS2 Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 game this week or early next week.  It will give him something else to play with. 
Purifying and Cleansing is the theme for the month of February.  At the Spring Equinox/Ostara in March, the theme will be New Beginnings.  At Beltane on May 1st, the theme will be growing what we planted at New Beginnings.  At the Summer Solstice in June we nurture our New Beginnings Projects to their fullest potential.  At Lammas, we begin harvesting our New Beginnings Projects and continue this theme through the Autumn Equinox/Mabon and evaluate our successes at the new year at Samhain in October.  I'm working on the New Beginnings Projects right now and will list them here on the blog on the Spring Equinox/Ostara.   The purifying/cleansing will take place at Imbolc/Candlemas on February 2nd. 
I haven't talked to my oldest offspring since mid January.  Zack and Tall, Dark and Handsome and my mom ask periodically if I have talked to her. 
My body definitely feels like it needs purifing or purging and a thorough cleansing, ha ha ha.  One project that needs careful attention is to state my objective and expect to receive it PERIOD. 
Where are you Tall, Dark and Handsome?  We miss you.
Good bye January, it has been an interesting month.

30 January 2011


To be able to offer something to someone else, you have to be able to be a friend to yourself.  This is where I lack.  I always seem to depend upon someone else to feel good about myself.  The "feeling good about yourself" comes first.  This was one of the first lessons I studied when reviewing the "Law Of Attraction" information.  People in this country seem to be taught the backwards way of living from birth to death.  The turmoil that is everywhere is humans reactions to their mental conditioning which contradicts everything humans are about.  Animals seem to have it right and they rely solely on instinct.  The instinct that is buried while we "learn to live" in schools, workplaces, social events, etc. 
I have to love myself to love someone else.  Do whatever it takes to be happy and at peace with where you are NOW, then you will be in a place to create exactly what you do want.  Simple, yes, simple to practice, yes...if you are diligent and truly want it bad enough. 
What do you truly want?  Have you ever thought about that?  Why do you truly want it? Write it down.  Read and re-read it and take note of how you truly feel.  Does it evoke feelings of joy and happiness?  If not, keep searching for what you truly want.  Most humans have no idea what they truly want.  

29 January 2011

Winter Sun

It is almost like you can reach out and touch the sun in the winter.  Staying close to the horizon on its daily path across the sky.  When there is snow on the ground,  the sun's reflection is piercing.  I can now see why sunblock is a must have in the snow covered winters.  The sunburns can catch you by complete surprise. 
The overcast that brought me into 2011 keeps calling my name.  This is one self created overcast that may never go away.  Only I can decide how it is handled.  Do I break it up into pieces or do I endure and attempt to prove myself yet again.  That is the question of the day.  We shall see how it all unfolds.

28 January 2011

Trail Into The Darkness

Have you ever wanted to go down the trail into the darkness?  There are days that I thought this would be my only option, till I figured out that I have control over my moods, attitude, options, etc.  I can choose how to feel about anything and everything.  Why would I relinquish this control to someone else?  I've been letting the happenings that surround me to control my moods, attitudes, etc.   Wow, it has taken me 45 years to figure this out. 
I remember when I first heard that "thoughts become things".  I was shocked, but as I researched a little further, I realized that I had been doing this since I was a child. 
Every Labor Day growing up in Texas, we would go to my grandma's in Dime Box, TX.  I always had fun because it was much different than where I was raised in Houston, TX.  I had always had thoughts of my friends in Houston participating in this wonderful Labor Day ritual and I'm not talking about the variety of girlfriends I brought with me throughout the years, but friends from school or from the neighborhood.  Well, while I was in high school, this very thing happened.  A couple of boys from the neighborhood showed up in Dime Box on Labor Day weekend for the Fireman's Picnic.  My Dime Box friends and my Houston friends had an afternoon to mix.  What made it even more fun, was my grandma's neighbor had her grandson that same weekend and he was from Austin, TX.  Everyone got to mix.  I will never forget that "Thoughts Become Things" and I know for a fact that this is true.
Tall, Dark and Handsome is coming home early today.  He usually leaves on Sunday or Monday and doesn't return till sometime of Friday's.  The Blue Limo needs some work done, but we are debating on whether it needs to be done this weekend or can wait a couple of weeks.  I shall know soon enough. 
The sun is out today which always looks totally different in the winter time.  It is kind of a low slung glare.  Midnight (the black male stray cat that has adopted us here) was awaiting the food that is put out each morning.  He was looking earnestly passed me into the house and up the stairs like he wanted to come in and stay.  Talk, Dark and Handsome has stated "No more indood animals..PERIOD".  You see, when I met Tall, Dark and Handsome, he had 5 indoor cats which had been split between himself and his ex wife.  He brought with him Callie and Spaz which both lived for many years with us.  After they passed on, he decreed "No more indoor animals...PERIOD".  My oldest son is hoping that changes in the next few years so he can have a cat on his bed at night.  We shall see.

27 January 2011

Boo Boo Kitty

The above photo is of Boo Boo Kitty.  She was the stray that befriended us when we lived in Laurel Hill, FL.  She was about as wild as they come too.  She brought us some of the things that she killed which included several snakes, a rabbit and many mice.  We lived on 250 acres of wood land property with several barns, etc.  The house was built in 1939 and had a cellar which was accessed from the outside in the backyard.  There was stuff in the cellar that probably dated back from the 1940's.  It could be a very scary place if you let it.  Everything about the place was falling down, but it afforded the ultimate in privacy (or so we thought).  There are several cats that come and eat from the food that we put out daily, but none of befriended us like Boo Boo Kitty did.  She was a sweetheart.  We miss you Boo Boo!

26 January 2011

Rainy Day Cold

Woke up this morning to a cold, rainy day which reminds me of Texas in the winter.  The boys were in a frightful mood as well upon awakening, but we have survived the a.m. since it is already p.m. around here.  Haven't heard yet from dad today.  As of last evening, dad was in Flint, MI and was to pick up a load today and take it to St. Louis, MO and then on to Tulsa, OK hopefully.  We talked to dad 4 or 5 times yesterday since he was parked in Flint awaiting instructions.  We talked to Nana yesterday too.  Paw had gone to Industry, TX to the auction and Nana was trying to figure out what to do with her free time.  I'm glad they are enjoying their retirement.  Haven't heard from my oldest in a while. 
I've been enjoying the book "Ordaining Reality: The Science Behind The Power Of Positive Thinking".
I've also been enjoying rereading "The Neville Reader" and "The Law Of Attraction".

I read these books while I'm on the recumbent bike which I ride everyday for 30 minutes.  They each contribute to bettering my mood when I want to feel sorry for myself or for the rain induced mood that seems to prevail around here.  I think a creamy potato stroganoff with homemade buttermilk biscuits for dinner will serve to enlighten the mood as well.  We will probably watch a Little Bear DVD while I read to Conner since this requires snuggling.  This is the ultimate snuggle weather.  I've been looking at new living room furniture.  The sectional sofa's that have built in recliners seem to be calling my name.  The ultimate in snuggle comfort and in a mellow earth tone of forest green or brown bark would keep the mellowness of the main living area.  I've decided that the pictures that are to be hung will be photos that we
we have taken on vacations and travels to keep the energy in the home personal.  Well, it is time to ride the bike and get lost in my reading.
Hope everyone has a wonder filled Wednesday.

25 January 2011

Candle Magick

I love candles and I love magick.  Put both together and make your wishes come true.  Use either your color correspondences or go with your gut feeling regarding the color candle that you use.  Carve your wish into the wax of the candle and as the candle burns down, your wish is carried off the be fullfilled.  I know, it sounds to simple, but it works.  You can also use herbs, essential oils, etc.  to enhance your magick, but it isn't necessary.  The type of candle isn't important either.  I have used tealight candles (in the metal cups), votive candles (can take a long time to burn down), but my favorite are chime candles which are larger than birthday candles, but only take 3 hours to burn completely down which is what you really want.  If your candle isn't big enough to write your wish onto it, write it on paper and set your candle on top of the paper.  When you light your candle, focus on the outcome of your wish or your intention which is absorbed into the candle when you focus on it and light it, then as it burns down, it carries your magick to be completed. 
Sometimes I have several candles burning at once for really big magick with multiple intentions.  It is all in what you are comfortable with.  Try it, you might just be pleasantly surprised.

24 January 2011

Dream House

I found my dream house above.  This is the house that was constructed for the movie "Practical Magic" which starred Sandra Bullock, Aidan Quinn and Nicole Kidman.
I haven't seen this movie in ages, but now that I've seen this house, I'll be purchasing at Amazon shortly. 
I'm still finding my way back home.  This week has started out better than last week and 2011 looks promising with regards to the wonderful books I am currently reading regarding deliberate creation. 
I went through my books today and added many more to the blog bookshelf.  As I get time, I will be posting a review for each of the books I have read.  Some books I will need to re-read since it has been years since I've read some of those listed. 
For the past several years, I utilized a day planner from 7th House Publishing.  Due to their lack of customer service regarding several items I purchased from them in 2010, I went looking in December for a day planner to replace it.  It wasn't easy to find since most planners are weekly or monthly planners and I need something a little "deeper" on occasion.  I found the coolest planner called "The Sacred Journey".  What a wonderful concept and their are directions on how to use it and how others have utilized it over the years.  This was its 16th year in publication and it is obviously popular since the only ones you can find on Amazon now are $83 plus.  I would suggest purchasing it early next year if your looking for a unique day planner/calendar idea.
Pomegranate is the publishing house that distributes the calendar and they may have more at a much better price than Amazon.  If anyone has any suggestions for unique day planner calendars, please respond to this blog post so I can review for next year.  I almost went back to the Witch's Datebook listed below.  I used it from 1999 through 2003 and began using the 7th House version in 2004 through 2010. 
I'm going to be looking for a Dragon calendar for my oldest son's room for 2012.  He had a nice one for 2010, but did not receive a 2011 one for Yule last year. 
I researched planners and calendars for a month in the latter part of 2010, but didn't find anything impressive till finding my Sacred Journey day planner.  I will be purchasing the cards that work with the day planner for 2012. 
I'm tired of the cold weather already.  I was born in the deep southwest (Texas to be exact) and am aching to "find my way home" which should be happening sometime really soon (I hope).  Deliberate Creation got me here, so Deliberate Creation will get me back home.  Only focus on what you want, ignore what you don't want.  Never give what you don't want any attention, even if it is just to say "No, I don't want it" because by saying "No, I don't want it" your giving it attention.  Just a reminder (mostly for myself). 

19 January 2011

Finding My Way Back

The Snow Moon of January 2011 has led to many new revelations.  Apparently since November 2004, someone has been impersonating me (who in their right mind would do that?).  Now that they have been captured, it is time for me to find my way back home. 
I am currently reading "Ordaining Reality: The Science Behind The Power Of Positive Thinking" which is listed below.  There are several versions of the book.  I am reading the science driven original book.

There is also an in-between version called "Ordaining Reality Made Easy".

This version removes most of the scientific information listed in the orginal text.  For an easy "to the point" version, please see "Ordaining Reality In Brief: The Shortcut To Your Future".

Once I have completed the original book, I will conduct some experiments regarding its contents and will post those here with the results. 
I've been watching "The Pretender" and "Profiler" on youtube.  I used watch these t.v. shows prior to my identity disappearing.  Apparently the impostor has also contacted people from my past and who knows what was said and done but I'm not interested in finding out.  Listen to my IB and consciously create my reality to my specifications.  This should keep me busy for a while.  I have three wonderful children.  The oldest is out on her own, creating her life as she wants it.  My younger ones are two wonderful boys who both have Autism.  I also have a wonderful husband who supports us while I manage the home.  It feels weird being back, but quite comforting.  The journey has now started...

01 January 2011

Good Bye 2010

2010 was a life changing year for me.  We moved from Florida to Tennessee which I thought was going to be home for us, but by the end of the year, everyone wanted to move back to Texas.  Tall, Dark and Handsome had to get a trucking job which takes him away from us all week and I had to relearn everything that Tall, Dark and Handsome does at home to be able to keep some normality in our family.  Life certainly changed, but I created it.  I do remember off and on creating the outcome, but I had no idea how the outcome was going to be achieved.  What needs to be done now is creating new and improved outcomes, then just relaxing and letting them happen.  I cannot be so dependent upon another, but be dependent upon myself.  I can do this.  I've proved it over and over that I can do this.  Many revelations were brought to my attention regarding how Tall, Dark and Handsome felt about many issues within our lives.  I had no idea with regards to most of them.  It shocked me that he was so double standard oriented.  If I had given him what he says he wants from me, he would have never taken it.  I guess I shouldn't assume what Tall, Dark and Handsome would take, I'm not him.  Life is definitely what you make it out to be. 
I cleaned out my closet and filled 4 30 gallon garbage bags full of trash.   If we are moving to Texas, I definitely don't wish to take my trash. 
Well, here is to 2011, may it be everything I deliberately create.