28 January 2011

Trail Into The Darkness

Have you ever wanted to go down the trail into the darkness?  There are days that I thought this would be my only option, till I figured out that I have control over my moods, attitude, options, etc.  I can choose how to feel about anything and everything.  Why would I relinquish this control to someone else?  I've been letting the happenings that surround me to control my moods, attitudes, etc.   Wow, it has taken me 45 years to figure this out. 
I remember when I first heard that "thoughts become things".  I was shocked, but as I researched a little further, I realized that I had been doing this since I was a child. 
Every Labor Day growing up in Texas, we would go to my grandma's in Dime Box, TX.  I always had fun because it was much different than where I was raised in Houston, TX.  I had always had thoughts of my friends in Houston participating in this wonderful Labor Day ritual and I'm not talking about the variety of girlfriends I brought with me throughout the years, but friends from school or from the neighborhood.  Well, while I was in high school, this very thing happened.  A couple of boys from the neighborhood showed up in Dime Box on Labor Day weekend for the Fireman's Picnic.  My Dime Box friends and my Houston friends had an afternoon to mix.  What made it even more fun, was my grandma's neighbor had her grandson that same weekend and he was from Austin, TX.  Everyone got to mix.  I will never forget that "Thoughts Become Things" and I know for a fact that this is true.
Tall, Dark and Handsome is coming home early today.  He usually leaves on Sunday or Monday and doesn't return till sometime of Friday's.  The Blue Limo needs some work done, but we are debating on whether it needs to be done this weekend or can wait a couple of weeks.  I shall know soon enough. 
The sun is out today which always looks totally different in the winter time.  It is kind of a low slung glare.  Midnight (the black male stray cat that has adopted us here) was awaiting the food that is put out each morning.  He was looking earnestly passed me into the house and up the stairs like he wanted to come in and stay.  Talk, Dark and Handsome has stated "No more indood animals..PERIOD".  You see, when I met Tall, Dark and Handsome, he had 5 indoor cats which had been split between himself and his ex wife.  He brought with him Callie and Spaz which both lived for many years with us.  After they passed on, he decreed "No more indoor animals...PERIOD".  My oldest son is hoping that changes in the next few years so he can have a cat on his bed at night.  We shall see.