30 January 2011


To be able to offer something to someone else, you have to be able to be a friend to yourself.  This is where I lack.  I always seem to depend upon someone else to feel good about myself.  The "feeling good about yourself" comes first.  This was one of the first lessons I studied when reviewing the "Law Of Attraction" information.  People in this country seem to be taught the backwards way of living from birth to death.  The turmoil that is everywhere is humans reactions to their mental conditioning which contradicts everything humans are about.  Animals seem to have it right and they rely solely on instinct.  The instinct that is buried while we "learn to live" in schools, workplaces, social events, etc. 
I have to love myself to love someone else.  Do whatever it takes to be happy and at peace with where you are NOW, then you will be in a place to create exactly what you do want.  Simple, yes, simple to practice, yes...if you are diligent and truly want it bad enough. 
What do you truly want?  Have you ever thought about that?  Why do you truly want it? Write it down.  Read and re-read it and take note of how you truly feel.  Does it evoke feelings of joy and happiness?  If not, keep searching for what you truly want.  Most humans have no idea what they truly want.