11 February 2011

Seeing It Is Believing It

Have you ever heard the words, "seeing it is believing it"?  Did you ever actually wonder what they meant?  Most people see this as a "physical seeing" or seeing it with your own eyes.  I see this as seeing it in your mind.  Did you know if you can see something in your mind, it can happen so you will see it with your physical eyes?  I've been practicing seeing several self constructed scenes in my mind so they will manifest and I can see them with my physical eyes.  It has been fun if you don't take yourself to seriously and by this I mean, expect it, but don't force it.  The fine line between expectation and force.  When you try to hard with action, you are forcing it.  When you sit back and see it happening over and over in your mind with emotion, feeling the wonderfulness of it, that is expectation. It sounds easy and it is probably easier for some than others, but try it.  Make a pact with yourself to try it at least once every day and see what happens.  You might be surprised!
P.S. the photo above is the coolest attic I have ever seen.  The stairs go up to the tower which extends upward from the roof.  Wouldn't you just love to have an attic like this?