04 February 2011

Imagine More - Do Less

Imagine more, do less.  Sounds interesting, lets explore where this is going.  Imagine what you want to look like, where you want to live, what type of career you want, what type of mate you want, how you want to be.  Feel these "wants" or "likes" as if they are already here and do this often.  The action or "do part" of the equation will be easy, once you follow this formula.  Imagine empowering beliefs, happiness, love, etc.  whatever it is that you want and do it over and over again.  Take the 30 day challenge.  Do this as much as possible in a 30 day period and then look at what you have created.  Believe it real (I know, it sounds like fluff but it does work for me and has since I was a child).  When I first heard of this concept, I laughed and said "wow, other people can do this too!".  I had been doing it unconcsciously since I was a child.  Not with everything I wanted, but with some playful, carefree kind of stuff and it worked.  Start today and see what you can create in your life.