31 January 2011

Good Bye January

Good Bye January and good riddance to you.  Living for the now is the only way to be.  I am talking to GM service (Jody) and he has scheduled us for the 12th of February to get the truck fixed.  Another $400 to keep our Blue Baby running.  Jody is such a nice service person especially since I hate dealing with people in general. 
February is the month that begins my actual 2011 year.  I spend the entire month of January planning the year and completing tasks from the prior year.  I amended my skincare program yet again since I seem to be getting pimples from just about everything that I used.  I'm also adding Ballet Conditioning to the Recumbent bike exercise program.  Pewter dragon should be completing the repairs on Zack's PS2 Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 game this week or early next week.  It will give him something else to play with. 
Purifying and Cleansing is the theme for the month of February.  At the Spring Equinox/Ostara in March, the theme will be New Beginnings.  At Beltane on May 1st, the theme will be growing what we planted at New Beginnings.  At the Summer Solstice in June we nurture our New Beginnings Projects to their fullest potential.  At Lammas, we begin harvesting our New Beginnings Projects and continue this theme through the Autumn Equinox/Mabon and evaluate our successes at the new year at Samhain in October.  I'm working on the New Beginnings Projects right now and will list them here on the blog on the Spring Equinox/Ostara.   The purifying/cleansing will take place at Imbolc/Candlemas on February 2nd. 
I haven't talked to my oldest offspring since mid January.  Zack and Tall, Dark and Handsome and my mom ask periodically if I have talked to her. 
My body definitely feels like it needs purifing or purging and a thorough cleansing, ha ha ha.  One project that needs careful attention is to state my objective and expect to receive it PERIOD. 
Where are you Tall, Dark and Handsome?  We miss you.
Good bye January, it has been an interesting month.