27 January 2011

Boo Boo Kitty

The above photo is of Boo Boo Kitty.  She was the stray that befriended us when we lived in Laurel Hill, FL.  She was about as wild as they come too.  She brought us some of the things that she killed which included several snakes, a rabbit and many mice.  We lived on 250 acres of wood land property with several barns, etc.  The house was built in 1939 and had a cellar which was accessed from the outside in the backyard.  There was stuff in the cellar that probably dated back from the 1940's.  It could be a very scary place if you let it.  Everything about the place was falling down, but it afforded the ultimate in privacy (or so we thought).  There are several cats that come and eat from the food that we put out daily, but none of befriended us like Boo Boo Kitty did.  She was a sweetheart.  We miss you Boo Boo!