01 February 2011

Imbolc - Purification

Our family theme for Imbolc is Purification.  The boys get purification baths today as well as I.  Tall, Dark and Handsome is out on the road so I don't know how much of a purification bath he will get to take, but we will keep him in our ritual thoughts.  White is a befitting color for this sabbat as well.  Our Imbolc crafts consist of candlemaking, candleholder making and some type of stitchery which can all be completed indoors since we are still in the predominantly dark time of  year.  Altar decorations could be Ice sculptures, white flowers, white candles, colored yarn or string for knot magick, baby animals, etc.  Choose the theme that resonates with you. 
We finally talked to Tall, Dark and Handsome last night.  He was outside of Knoxville, TN to deliver to the Honda plant.  I directed some energy to get him a 1000 mile run today after his delivery.  That should keep him busy for a while.  It will be a rainy Imbolc eve today, but we will fill it with fun and merriment and I will end today with a Purification bath to begin the Wheel of the Year once again.  A good sabbat entertaining book is "Sabbat Entertaining" by Willow Polson along with some sabbat tradition in "Candlemas" by  Amber K and Azrael Arynn K and of course a staple book in our family tradition is "Ancient Ways" by Pauline Campanelli. Do whatever connects you the sabbat day.   I used to purchase Ritual kits online for the celebration of our sabbats, but that got old after one wheel turn.  Today, I will purify myself, my thoughts and our home in preparation for the completion of our current desires.  Life, love and an abundance of family.  Live for the bliss!