08 February 2011

Seeing Through Different Eyes

Have you ever wanted to see through different eyes?  I began looking through different eyes this morning.  I'm making every effort to see everything in the now without pre-judgement filters.  We have been taught from the beginning of our lives to pre-judge everything with the filters our caregivers (parents, etc.) put into place.  Some are productive and some not so much.  Accept and appreciate those around you for who they are.  We can "look" exactly alike and be so very different or we can be so very "different" and look exactly alike.  I'm creating more depth and meaning in my life.  Feeling it now and basking in the wonderfulness of what it is.  Life is grand, live it like it is grand NOW instead of waiting for whatever it is you've got to have to make it GRAND.  Share, enjoy, bask, do what you want.  BE HAPPY NOW!