02 February 2011


Candlemas is the Christian variation to our Pagan Imbolc.  Purfication is extended to all the magickal candles used throughout the coming year.  I purify my candles as I intend to use them, but some traditions purify and bless their candles on this day. 
Today just happens to be the New Moon which signals new beginnings.  If you follow the moon cycles as I do, today would be the day to begin new projects and spells intended for growth.  As the new moon grows from dark (now) to full, your projects and/or spells do as well.  On the full moon, you use the moon's full PUNCH on anything that needs an extra kick and after the full moon you utilize the moons power to dissipation magicks or spells.  As the moon goes from full back to new, it is used for the disappearance of what is not wanted or needed.
It is also Groundhog day for those in the U.S.  I believe if the Groundhog sees his shadow today, we have 6 more weeks of winter, but if he doesn't see his shadow today, spring is right around the corner or something like that. 
Tall, Dark and Handsome was on his way to the Georgia/Florida state line and was intended to go to Orlando, but wasn't going to make it because the load he is carrying wasn't ready when he arrived to pick it up.  SIGH!
We shall see what is on the menu for our lives today.  If I have been following the Law Of Attraction like I should, I will enjoy whatever it is since it is in the process of creating all that I currently want out of life.  Happy Wednesday all!