26 January 2011

Rainy Day Cold

Woke up this morning to a cold, rainy day which reminds me of Texas in the winter.  The boys were in a frightful mood as well upon awakening, but we have survived the a.m. since it is already p.m. around here.  Haven't heard yet from dad today.  As of last evening, dad was in Flint, MI and was to pick up a load today and take it to St. Louis, MO and then on to Tulsa, OK hopefully.  We talked to dad 4 or 5 times yesterday since he was parked in Flint awaiting instructions.  We talked to Nana yesterday too.  Paw had gone to Industry, TX to the auction and Nana was trying to figure out what to do with her free time.  I'm glad they are enjoying their retirement.  Haven't heard from my oldest in a while. 
I've been enjoying the book "Ordaining Reality: The Science Behind The Power Of Positive Thinking".
I've also been enjoying rereading "The Neville Reader" and "The Law Of Attraction".

I read these books while I'm on the recumbent bike which I ride everyday for 30 minutes.  They each contribute to bettering my mood when I want to feel sorry for myself or for the rain induced mood that seems to prevail around here.  I think a creamy potato stroganoff with homemade buttermilk biscuits for dinner will serve to enlighten the mood as well.  We will probably watch a Little Bear DVD while I read to Conner since this requires snuggling.  This is the ultimate snuggle weather.  I've been looking at new living room furniture.  The sectional sofa's that have built in recliners seem to be calling my name.  The ultimate in snuggle comfort and in a mellow earth tone of forest green or brown bark would keep the mellowness of the main living area.  I've decided that the pictures that are to be hung will be photos that we
we have taken on vacations and travels to keep the energy in the home personal.  Well, it is time to ride the bike and get lost in my reading.
Hope everyone has a wonder filled Wednesday.