03 February 2011

Make Peace With Where You Are

Make peace with where you are now, no matter how lousy you think it is.  If you can make peace with it, all will get better.  Why do we want?  We want because we think what we want will make us feel better not realizing that it takes us feeling better now to get what we want.  I struggled with this concept over and over, but I realize now that if we adopt the feeling of the desire fullfilled (What would I feel like when I have what I want, am what I want, have gone where I want, etc.), the desire has no choice but to be fullfilled.  Have fun while your waiting instead of depending upon the outcome.   What a concept that changes everything we have been taught our entire lives.  Easier said than done, well yes and no.  I am determined to make it work starting NOW.  Honesty in everything, no matter what the consequences are.  This will be a complete 180 from how I was raised.  Everyone in my family sugar coats everything or hides it till it blows up in their faces.  If it works for them, cool, but it no longer serves me.  We shall see how life changes!